Exchange Solanax

sold Precio Datos en directo

El precio Solanax en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.0014 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $774 usd. Actualizamos el precio SOLD a usd en tiempo real. Solanax es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #3152, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $61 511 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 45 243 647 SOLD y el suministro máximo de monedas 45 243 647 SOLD. Suministro de monedas 80 000 000 SOLD.

¿Qué es Solanax (sold)?

Zero front-running, bold exchanges, insignificant slippage, support for market producers and exchanging bots with interoperability are generally highlights of a fast problematic cross-chain DEX with an implicit request book for laying out stop misfortunes and benefit taking levels.

Liquidity suppliers are boosted to give liquidity to low-volume resources for higher prizes, as they get an offer in relation to the volume they give to the pool. The DEX expense dissemination is 0.3% for the taker and 0.2% for the maker.

SOLANAX, as well as giving the quickest DeFi convention introducing AMM and DEX, will carry out a wormhole scaffold to get to the sum of crypto resources produced on the Ethereum organization. The Wormhole isn't a blockchain network, so it can securely rely upon agreement and conclusion of the chains that it bridges.

SOLANAX is genuinely decentralized since all gatekeepers play out a similar calculation after noticing an on-chain occasion and sign a supposed Validator Action Approval. Should a 66% larger part of all gatekeeper hubs notice and sign a similar occasion utilizing their singular keys, then it is consequently approved by the Wormhole contracts on all chains and triggers a mint/burn.

SOLANAX is downright aggressive than being one of Solana’s network-driving AMM and DEX stages, with this venture we are endeavoring to wipe out brought together go-betweens and to make ready for full decentralization, restriction safe, and safe exchanging inside the Solana environment. SOLANAX clients will actually want to easily execute brilliant agreement based exchanges immediately and just for a portion of the expense of the Ethereum network in correlation. Our ultimate objective is to make an open-source liquidity and DeFi convention that offers appealing loan fees to draw in financial backers, as well as a convention that the Solana people group can undoubtedly adjust and reuse for future projects.

Our principle benefits are that we are quicker and less expensive: We utilize the Solana blockchain’s proficiency to accomplish exchanges who’s are significantly quicker than Ethereum, with gas costs that are a small amount of the expense. A focal request book is required for environment wide liquidity: SOLANAX gives on-fasten liquidity to the Our own DEX’s focal breaking point request book, giving Raydium SOLANAX clients admittance to the full eco-system’s request stream and liquidity. Exchanging point of interaction: For brokers who need to screen Trading View diagrams, put in limit requests, and exercise more command over their exchanging.

Liquidity suppliers have a motivation to give liquidity to low-volume resources for higher prizes, as they get an offer straightforwardly relative to the volume they give to the pool. At the point when you make an exchange or trade on SOLANAX, you’ll be charged 0.3% for the taker request and 0.2% for the producer. As a compensation for liquidity providers, 0.4% are redeposited into the liquidity pool and goes about as an award 0.1% of the SOLD tokens are shipped off the marking pool as a prize for people who stake their SOLD tokens.

Solanax PRECIO


  • 0%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



Saldo: 0


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