Exchange MegaToken

mega Precio Datos en directo

El precio MegaToken en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00000047 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $508 usd. Actualizamos el precio MEGA a usd en tiempo real. MegaToken es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd.

¿Qué es MegaToken (mega)?

Revolutionary first of its sort completely Interactive NFT (INFT), MegaBaby INFTs have changed the fate of NFTs. Associating and playing with MegaBaby INFT e-pets will carry back wistfulness of playing with Tamagotchis. After some time intuitiveness focuses will develop and allow the proprietor to advance their INFT into increasingly rare INFTs.
First conceptualized almost a year earlier, Jonathan Harrocks has devoted his time and aptitude to convey to the world a genuinely extraordinary innovation, Interactive NFTs as an adorable person named MegaBaby. Whenever you first see MegaBaby you will positively wind up needing to play and cooperate with your own MegaBaby. MegaBaby gets, drained, eager, wiped out and will need to play expecting you to utilize limited quantities of MegaToken to do as such. MegaBaby should be resuscitated whenever left uncared for.
MegaBaby INFTs can be traded on the stages commercial center, with 5% commission getting back to the first minter on every resale of their own creation.
MegaBaby INFTs are bought utilizing the local MegaToken and all intelligence and in Dapp buys are directed using the MegaToken. These microtransactions are reflected back to all holders, this isn't simply play to procure it is likewise hold to acquire. When all restricted release MegaBaby INFTs are sold, a conventional MegaBaby INFT will made for mint. The assumption is to get MegaBaby INFTs in the possession of the majority, driving the microtransactions amd in Dapp buys for extras and attributes.

The prospects are interminable and future guide plans will incorporate social mmo and metaverse capabilities.
MegaToken is a reflections rewards contract also with a unique ‘claim’ work. All prizes claims on the MegaBaby INFT stage will lead an acquisition of the token reflecting as a buy.
The MegaBaby INFT stage is a completely practical commercial center for the INFTs, buying BNB and MegaToken, with a guide for marking INFTs and marking MegaToken.
MegaBaby INFT — the following “Mega” insurgency in the Crypto space! This token isn't simply going to cause ripple effects — it will overwhelm the crypto world, shaping large tremors under the purported current foundation.
In 2012 when the main NFTs emerged as straightforward hued coins who would’ve believed that in 2021 we could have Interactive NFTs? Furthermore, indeed, you read that accurately INTERACTIVE NFTs.
The Lead Developer made the following upset in DEFI with the first FULLY Interactive NFT E-Humans - totally amazing! Proprietors will can alter and redesign them by utilizing MegaToken. Every advancement stage will have a rate opportunity to make YOUR MegaBaby increasingly rare making an exceptional collectible — sellable or exchange capable on its own Interactive Marketplace. The capacity to often focus on, embellish and overhaul your E-Pet makes this token the acquisition of the year. Simply envision this — while having a good time really focusing on it — you can watch your MegaBaby develop close by your speculation — PRICELESS! I’m almost certain many recall Tamagotchi and how progressive that was; there is a long list of reasons to accept that MegaBaby will be the following enormous hyper trend.

MegaToken PRECIO


  • 0%






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