Exchange Index Chain

IDX Precio Datos en directo

El precio Index Chain en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00065 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $0 usd. Actualizamos el precio IDX a usd en tiempo real. Index Chain es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd.

¿Qué es Index Chain (IDX)?

IDX is fork Zcoin, is Coin Hybrid with PoW /PoS /MN mining zeroed in on protection, security and secrecy. We are utilizing SIGMA - DANDELION ++ - THOR - EXODUS - LELANTUS - POW X16RV2 - POS 3.0 - MASTERNODE advancements in the money structure. .

IndexChain has a scope of advancements permitting the emphasis on mysterious exchanges and rearranging exchanges making the client unknown on the organization. Today, coins with this class and potential have just Monero, Dash, Pivx and Zcoin to be IndexChain's greatest rivals in the Crypto market.

INDEX CHAIN is intended for client protection, safeguarding exchanges with unknown assignments while sending industry driving encryption techniques. File Chain is a finished arrangement, furnishing clients with a completely private, secure, quick and decentralized arrangement. Safeguard your resources and eliminate banks from the situation. Try not to pay enormous aggregates with really private transactions!

Index Chain PRECIO


  • 0%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



Saldo: 0


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