Exchange Inari

inari Precio Datos en directo

El precio Inari en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00012 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $0 usd. Actualizamos el precio INARI a usd en tiempo real. Inari es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #535, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $25 984 026 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 211 052 344 575 INARI y el suministro máximo de monedas 211 052 344 575 INARI. Suministro de monedas 1 000 000 000 000 INARI.

¿Qué es Inari (inari)?

Inari is an intelligent ERC-20 local area token with a powerful charge construction, buyback, and dark opening mechanics, which rewards holders, particularly when whales take benefit.
The token is portrayed by two expenses both on trades: the liquidity charge is parted between buyback assets and advertising wallet; the reallocation is reflected to holders.
The contrast between the two duties is that the purchase charge is fixed, while the sell charge is straightforwardly corresponding to a sell's cost sway, with least of 10% charge and limit of 40% fee.
Every time a sell happens, the agreement repurchases a measure of tokens relative to the cost sway also.
This still up in the air as follows: buyback = baseAmount * (1 + (dynamicFee - staticFee) /staticFee) * K.
All the tokens repurchased are shipped off the dead location to be burned.
Finally, since 60% of the underlying inventory was scorched upon send off, and since the dead location additionally gathers expenses, as well as getting the consumed tokens, Inari is extreme hyper-deflationary undumpable token.



  • 0%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



Saldo: 0


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