Exchange Impossible Finance

if Precio Datos en directo

El precio Impossible Finance en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.0095 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $354 usd. Actualizamos el precio IF a usd en tiempo real. Impossible Finance es up 0.56% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #6418, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $96 020 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 10 086 728 IF y el suministro máximo de monedas 10 086 728 IF. Suministro de monedas 10 086 728 IF.

¿Qué es Impossible Finance (if)?

The initial two Impossible Finance items rotate around yield and independent local area creation. Versus TradFi’s low yields, defi yield conventions have been an executioner application, however fleeting misfortune actually poses a potential threat. All things considered, zeroing in on low-IL resource pools, for example, EUR and JPY stablecoins, where national banks have negative loan fees, or non-profit yielding fabricated materials (answer: high development stocks don’t have profits) like manufactured TSLA, we propose the primary influx of “Impossible Yield” items fueled by our stablecoin trade, StableXswap. Removing a page from Aave and Synthetix’ playbook, this additionally urges us to coordinate numerous engineered resources, loaning conventions, and cross-tie answers for total liquidity. This yield produced from stable EUR, JPY, or TSLA pools is incredible by TradFi, basically until the ECB changes approaches, the Japanese populace pyramid modifies, or Elon Musk changes his website’s FAQ.

In mid 2021, we saw Wall Street Bets conflict with Robinhood and speculative stock investments, putting accentuation on tending to retail users’ needs without forfeiting client independence. Past staying away from plans of action that effectively hurt clients (for example offering stream to leaders, or concealing spreads to cover charges), how could you at any point acknowledge dividendless possessions when defi can give you yield? That’s Impossible Finance: we’re hellbent on giving better monetary instruments to the world.

The second arrival of Impossible Finance items tackle crypto’s best executioner application: gathering pledges. Directly following 2017 ICO tricks, Vitalik placed DAICOs, (DAO + ICOs), where venture groups could raise brilliant agreement vested reserves, gave they accomplish specific achievements. Lead representatives decided if the group was all the while building, or, in all likelihood discount financial backers. Be that as it may, 2018 needed powerful administration and casting a ballot entryways (, not to mention genuine items to put resources into. Today, we propose the send off of self-supporting beginning dex-contributions, or SSIDOs. With the force of yield from our AMMs and accomplice conventions, a group that raises $10M with a $2M consume rate can be self-supporting with simply 20% APY, making another raise once, fabricate always model. The Andre’s of the world can see as capital and liquidity and never again need to depend on cexes and lease looking for private venture assets to take care of the bills. In the mean time, vesting stable LP tokens from the raise money stay inside our AMM, which makes tacky TVL. Groups that raise through this framework get consequently straightforward banking, while brokers gain admittance to consistent liquidity, hostile to rugpull inner serenity. Our main goal at Impossible Finance will be to keep finding mutual benefits for merchants, financial backers, tasks, and conventions alike.

Impossible Finance PRECIO


  • +0.56%






Capitalización bursátil



Capitalización bursátil totalmente diluida





Saldo: 0



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