Exchange DRIVENx

dvx Precio Datos en directo

El precio DRIVENx en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.0017 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $26 usd. Actualizamos el precio DVX a usd en tiempo real. DRIVENx es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 300 946 242 DVX y el suministro máximo de monedas 300 946 242 DVX. Suministro de monedas 165 635 422 DVX.

¿Qué es DRIVENx (dvx)?

"What is DRIVENecosystem?

DRIVENecosystem (or recently DRIVEN) is a little beginning up that means to incorporate cryptographic forms of money into regular daily existence using savvy applications. Our essential objective is to make cryptographic money as easy to use as FIAT.

Philosophy and vision

Our group is directed by center standards like trustworthiness, uprightness, regard, desire, and tomfoolery. Thusly, we fabricate a solid local area with similar qualities as us through time and with a ton of exertion - a local area that does right by us, confides in us, and knows us for who we are.

Our objective is to assemble a solid DeFi biological system where people can utilize digital currency to purchase or exchange products and services.

What is DRIVENx?

DRIVENx (DVX) is a BEP20 token delivered on the Binance Smart Chain Network in August of 2021. Our emphasis is on crossing over the holes among digital money and standard FIAT-based business as usual.

DRIVEN’s essential objective is to connect the requirements of regular organizations from your hairdresser to your dough puncher to your candle creator with the crypto environment that empowers them to involve digital money for labor and products in a straightforward and natural way, eliminating intricacy from the current awkward process.

What is the mission of the DRIVENx?

We are making a stage in which organizations can do every one of their current exchanges as for their client's inventory network, by means of digital money.

The stage will empower a business to straightforwardly pay or get assets for merchandise and/or administrations without changing their cryptographic money over completely to government issued money, thusly keeping away from expensive unfamiliar trade charges and the related cost vacillations. They can pay or get the digital currency fitting their personal preference and execute in a shared way involving our administration as the go-between merchant for the exchanges. "



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