Exchange Cortex

ctxc Precio Datos en directo

El precio Cortex en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.34 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $3 037 844 usd. Actualizamos el precio CTXC a usd en tiempo real. Cortex es up 5.27% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #554, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $75 184 100 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 220 907 558 CTXC y el suministro máximo de monedas 220 907 558 CTXC. Suministro de monedas 299 792 459 CTXC.

¿Qué es Cortex (ctxc)?

Cortex is based on another public chain called Cortex. The chain incorporates AI calculations that help shrewd agreements, and that implies anybody can utilize Cortex to add AI to their brilliant agreements. It additionally makes an impetus component for aggregate coordinated effort, permitting anybody to submit and improve models in Cortex, while model patrons can likewise be compensated. The final product of Cortex, as per the whitepaper, is the making of “artificial general intelligence”, or AGI, “being brought into the world on the Cortex”. Cortex finished a private symbolic deal in February/March 2018 for its CTXC tokens. That subsidizing round was driven by Bitmain and FBG Capital, among other notable financial backers in the digital currency space.

Placing man-made consciousness frameworks on the blockchain isn’t a clear cycle. Nonetheless, Cortex will tackle this issue by permitting AI scientists all over the planet to transfer thoroughly prepared comparing information models to the capacity layer of the Cortex public chain. Different clients who need these AI models can make inductions utilizing the models, then pay the individual who fostered those models. At every surmising, a full hub synchronizes the model and the information from the capacity level to the neighborhood site. Making an induction utilizing Cortex’s extraordinary virtual machine, or CVM, will synchronize the outcomes to the entire organization and afterward return the outcome. Each time a client starts an exchange on the Cortex, opens a savvy contract, or plays out an insight induction, the client should pay a specific number of “Endorphin” tokens.

Endorphin is the estimating unit for exchanges on Cortex. Be that as it may, the stage will have two tokens, including Endorphins and Cortex Coins (CTXC). The general objective of Cortex is to give cutting edge AI models on the blockchain where clients can derive utilizing shrewd agreements. Cortex likewise looks to make an AI stage where clients can post undertakings on the stage or submit computerized reasoning based decentralized apps.

Cortex’s token deal started with a solitary private situation round. That round occurred from February 7 to March 7, 2018, during which tokens were sold at a cost of 1 ETH = 1500 CTXC. In March 2018, the organization declared that it had arrived at its objective cap of 40,000 ETH for 60 million CTXC, or 20.01% of the complete symbolic dispersion. FBG Capital and Bitmain were lead financial backers during the symbolic deal. CTXC tokens are ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. There’s an absolute stock of 299,792,458 tokens. Of the absolute stock, 50.03% (150 million) are held for Cortex coin diggers as a mining reward, 24.95% (74,792,458) are devoted to the project’s establishment from the beginning square (counting 15.01% to the Cortex Lab, 9.01% to project promoting, and 0.93% to challenge bounties), with the leftover 5% going to counsels, the scholarly world, and the local area from the beginning block.
Cortex means to put progressed man-made brainpower frameworks on the blockchain. The organization as of late finished a private speculation round during its symbolic deal for CTXC tokens in February/March 2018. The following stage is to carry out the Cortex public chain. Key highlights of the stage incorporate its shrewd AI contracts and its Cortex Virtual Machine, the two of which take into consideration progressed AI-based savvy contract programming.



  • +5.27%






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