Exchange Codex

cdex Precio Datos en directo

El precio Codex en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.0000037 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $1 usd. Actualizamos el precio CDEX a usd en tiempo real. Codex es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd.

¿Qué es Codex (cdex)?

What Is Codex (CDEX)?
Codex is a utility token made on the HTMLCoin Blockchain. It is at present utilized for:

Discounted acquisition of VIP on the @CodexWalletBot
Discounted admittance to selective highlights on

Codex boasts:
Tiny Transaction Fees
Lightning Fast Transactions
Based on HTMLCOIN is a digital currency as well as a safe sha256d blockchain in light of a completely incorporated Bitcoin Core and Ethereum c++ client codebase, to convey Smart Contracts and Distributed Applications (DAPPS). It executes an extendable plan which is fit for adding more virtual machines (VM), empowered through an Account Abstraction Layer, which permits a record put together VM to work with respect to a Bitcoin UTXO based Blockchain. HTMLCOIN has the strength of Bitcoin and highlights of Ethereum on one platform.
The HTMLCOIN Foundation is creating key use cases to show the capacities of the stage where decentralized advancements utilizing digital forms of money and dispersed applications can carry development to enormous financial gatherings and networks across the globe. It works with various accomplices and new companies across the globe, like Codex on Althash, for their last sending of services.

How Many CDEX Coins Are There in Circulation?
10% FAUCET ON CODEXWALLETBOT → 6,000,000,000 ‘CDEX’ (2,797,183 /6,000,000,000 in circulation)

25% TEAM FUNDS → 15,000,000,000 ‘CDEX’ (6,600,000,000 /15,000,000,000 in circulation)

51% BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS AND PR → 30,600,000,000 ‘CDEX’ (10,000,000 /30,600,000,000 in circulation)

14% DISTRIBUTED IN CURRENT AND FUTURE APPS → 8,400,000,000 ‘CDEX’ (3 billion dispersed in CodexWorkplace - the other 5.4 billion utilized in ongoing forms and given in awards to creating groups in the HTMLCoin biological system and related parties) (0 /8,400,000,000 in circulation)

Total Supply: 60,000,000,000

Current Circulating Supply: 6,612,797,183

Who Are the Founders of Codex?
Codex was made by a gathering of engineers on the HTMLCoin environment. In the wake of making CDEX, a local area of engineers arose that were keen on building utility in CDEX token through HTMLCoin applications . The mission of these engineers was/is to have a specialty biological system of designers cooperating on HTMLCoin to make helpful applications and useful software.

Where Can I Buy Codex (CDEX)?
CDEX is accessible for exchanging on a developing number of trades, with cryptographic money matches at present available.

Graviex offers the biggest number of matches as of January 2021, while STEX offers an Ethereum (ETH) option.


‘CDEX’ token isn't an ICO or a public/private deal. By claiming CDEX, you don't possess portions of any organization. ‘CDEX’ was made to support the development of programming and programming of various programming, as well as going about as an access/utility token to numerous applications. ‘CDEX’ has no underlying financial backers and tokens are acquired through different application’s networks, advancements, tipping, and coordinated token releases.



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