Exchange Bitzeny

ZNY Precio Datos en directo

El precio Bitzeny en tiempo real hoy es $ 0.00024 usd con un volumen de negociación de 24 horas de $0 usd. Actualizamos el precio ZNY a usd en tiempo real. Bitzeny es down 0% en las últimas 24 horas. El ranking actual de coinmarketcap es #, con una capitalización de mercado en tiempo real de $0 usd. Tiene un suministro circulante de monedas 391 805 741 ZNY y el suministro máximo de monedas 391 805 741 ZNY. Suministro de monedas 250 000 000 ZNY.

¿Qué es Bitzeny (ZNY)?

BitZeny is a digital money from Japan that professes to be the CPU-as it were. It utilizes a calculation called Yescrypt-0.5. The trouble is retargeted utilizing the DarkGravityWave3 calculation and has zero pre-mine.

What is BitZeny?
Mining conceivable with CPU
The greatest component of BitZeny is that CPU mining should be possible with a typical PC. Since numerous encryption monetary forms are mined utilizing GPUs and ASICs, it is an oligopoly state by some minor who can put resources into unique gear. BitZeny is challenging to mining with GPU and ASIC, and embraces calculation appropriate for CPU mining.

Bitzeny people group is clamoring with numerous excavators since this digital currency embraces the "CPU mining" which an individual can take the benefit. Additionally some café acknowledge Bitzeny installment, and different capacities about BitZeny are being created. (ex.twitter tip bot "Rin-Hime") So "The Bitzeny world" - which is appreciate excavator and holders spreading in the world.

Japanese-conceived encryption currency
BitZeny's set of experiences returns to November 2014. Focusing on a cryptographic cash that everybody can undoubtedly mining, it was brought into the world by Japanese homegrown engineers as a clone of Bitcoin. Cash unit is ZNY, all out number of issue is 250 million and there is a limit.

Active community
BitZeny's people group is packed with minors as it is organized so that benefits can be created even by people through CPU mining. Likewise, different capacities and administrations connected with BitZeny are being created individually, including "Princess Princess" and BitZeny payable cafés, and so forth, and the reality where minor as well as holder can be delighted in is expanding.

BitZenyの最大の特徴は普通のPCでCPUマイニングができる点です。多くの暗号通貨はGPUやASICを使ってマイニングされているため、 専用機器に投資できる一部のマイナーによる寡占状態となります。BitZenyはGPUやASICでの採掘が難しく、CPUマイニングに適したアルゴリズムを採用しています。


BitZenyの歴史は2014年11月に遡ります。 だれでも手軽にマイニングできる暗号通貨を目指し、Bitcoinのクローンとして日本国内の開発者によって誕生しました。通貨単位はZNY、総発行枚数は2億5千万枚と上限があります。

CPUマイニングによって個人でも利益が生み出せる構造のため、BitZenyのコミュニティはマイナーによる賑わいを見せています。また、「ぜにぃ姫」やBitZeny決済可能な飲食店などをはじめとし、 BitZenyに関する様々な機能やサービスが次々開発されており、 マイナーのみならずホルダーも楽しめる世界が広がりつつあります。

Bitzeny PRECIO


  • 0%






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