Exchange Medicalchain

mtn Preis Live-Daten

Der aktuelle Medicalchain Preis heute ist $ 0.00094 usd mit einem 24-Stunden Handelsvolumen von $23 590 usd. Wir aktualisieren unseren MTN zu usd Preis in Echtzeit. Medicalchain ist down -0.26% in den letzten 24 Stunden. Das aktuelle Coinmarketcap-Ranking ist #3540, mit einer Live-Marktkapitalisierung von $218 263 usd. Es hat eine zirkulierende Versorgung von 231 528 541 MTN Münzen und die max. Angebot von 500 000 000 MTN Münzen.

Was ist Medicalchain (mtn)?

Medicalchain utilizes blockchain innovation to safely store wellbeing records and keep a solitary rendition of reality. The various associations, for example, specialists, clinics, labs, drug specialists and wellbeing safety net providers can demand consent to get to a patient’s record to fill their need and record exchanges on the dispersed record. Medicalchain gives answers for today’s wellbeing record issues. The stage is worked to safely store and offer electronic wellbeing records. By digitizing wellbeing records and enabling clients we can use incalculable industry synergies.

Medicalchain is building a stage for secure capacity and use of electronic wellbeing records on the blockchain. The organization is likewise assembling a telemedicine stage to permit clients to straightforwardly associate with medical care experts, share their records and hear conferences, second sentiments, online through a safe channel.The organization was initially established in February 2016 to give a product arrangement inside clinics. The arrangement is known as ‘Discharge Summary’ and it utilizes a work process instrument to precisely compose an evaluation of a patient as they are being released from a medical procedure or a long clinic visit. The product is as of now being utilized by clinics in UK and the group chose to expand this undertaking and go further with Medicalchain.

Medicalchain believes individuals should approach their wellbeing records all over. Today, you can go all over and you will approach your telephone, contacts, photographs, documents, ledgers however not your wellbeing records - presumably the most significant and life saving data you want. In most evolved nations all over the planet you, as a patient, have a lawful right to demand your records. Medicalchain is furnishing you with a stage to do that. In any case, more significantly, Medicalchain believes that its clients should have the option to utilize it quickly by imparting and sharing (on a period restricted premise) with different specialists. The greater vision is to permit drug, protection and other medical care associations and partners to have the option to collaborate with wellbeing records based on patients' conditions. Medicalchain accepts that wellbeing records ought to be a piece of everyone’s life and not simply alluded to when somebody is ill.

Medicalchain PREIS


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