Exchange BeatBind

bbnd Preis Live-Daten

Der aktuelle BeatBind Preis heute ist $ 0.0017 usd mit einem 24-Stunden Handelsvolumen von $259 usd. Wir aktualisieren unseren BBND zu usd Preis in Echtzeit. BeatBind ist down 0% in den letzten 24 Stunden. Das aktuelle Coinmarketcap-Ranking ist #3155, mit einer Live-Marktkapitalisierung von $87 307 usd. Es hat eine zirkulierende Versorgung von 50 000 286 BBND Münzen und die max. Angebot von 1 000 000 000 BBND Münzen.

Was ist BeatBind (bbnd)?

BeatBind is the world’s first decentralized blockchain occasion association and ability sell off stage that will permit specialists and settings to zero in just on giving extraordinary encounters to their fanbase. We mean to interface three vital participants in music occasion coordination: setting proprietors, entertainers, and fans. Our imaginative arrangement will be upheld with BBND, an all inclusive digital currency token for the music industry.

BeatBind means to take care of music occasion related issues through the improvement of its Platform and more extensive occasion association biological system. The key thought is to permit all members in the environment to proficiently associate and collaborate. BeatBind will profit by the appeal for the best specialists, coordinators, and scenes and increment craftsman booking rates fundamentally utilizing different sale models. BeatBind will give rising specialists more open doors both locally and universally. Moreover, fans will actually want to straightforwardly buy tickets from coordinators of all occasions made on BeatBind, forestalling misrepresentation, fabrication, and ticket scalping.

BeatBind PREIS


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