EGG Finally Gives NFT Collectors a Way to Present their Collections on Social Media

In 2022, NFTs will see a significant increase in popularity. There are an increasing number of websites that sell and curate various types of content, including poetry, music, and artwork. NFTs can sell for millions of dollars, yet the average person may find it difficult to understand why they would want to acquire such pricey intangible assets.

However, when you consider what people are actually using NFTs for, the appeal of them starts to make a lot of sense. We’re talking about the art-savvy collectors who turn their homes and workplaces into virtual galleries by coming up with creative ways to exhibit their NFT artworks to spruce up or revitalize the spaces.

Why Owning an NFT if you are Not Able to Display It?

When you buy a new NFT on the marketplace, the first thing you want to do is to let your friends and family know about it. Its the same as buying a new art image and you want to frame it on the wall in your house so your guests can see it.

With NFTs, it’s a little bit different since users can only view it on the internet, so they need to visit your collection online and see your NFT’s list. But there are few crypto projects that are offering NFT explorers and most of them are not attractive as EGG’s Cardboard.

Owning an expensive and very attractive NFT can be hard to be noticed if the design of the NFT explorer is not that much attractive, it’s like framing a Mona Liza picture in an old house with old walls and old interior, it simply doesn’t make the art image to flare up in the viewers eyes.

How EGG’s Cardboard Solves This?

With our Cardboards, users can easily create a profile for their NFT or NFT Shop and display it through a unique link with so many features on it on their social media channels and users can be easily able to see all of the NFTs on your Cardboard.

Besides that, thanks to our positive user experience and eye catching design, users will be able to see other information about your NFTs such as being able to see the name of the NFT, the current price and they can also click on the NFT and they they will be redirected to the marketplace the NFT is stored on.

EGG’s Cardboards Offer Much More

With our Cardboards, user can learn much more about someone’s NFTs or NFT Shop. Our features allow NFT projects to easily link their social media channels or websites, same for musicians, they are able to link their Shopify, iTunes, SoundCloud and other social media music platforms.

Link your Social Media Channels

If you visit Vitalik’s Cardboard, you will see that there are social media channels attached to it. So once you create your Cardboard, you will be able to login with Web3 login methods like MetaMask, Magic, and similar login methods and be able to easily edit your social media channels.

This will help you get more visitors on your social media channels where they can explore your posts, tweets, videos and much more. It will also help you increase your followers’ list.

Display your NFTs In a Cool Way

If you click on the right arrow on Vitalik’s Cardboard, you will be redirected to his NFT collection where you can explore all of his NFTs and be able to see the name of each NFT, same for price and track on which NFT marketplace the collectible is being listed on.

Besides that, you will be able to follow the owner of that NFT Cardboard and keep tracking his NFTs anytime you want.

Donate or Send Crypto

Once you are exploring someone’s Cardboard, if you keep clicking on the arrows you will come to a section with a QR code where you can simply donate or send crypto to that wallet address of the NFT Cardboard.

From here, you will be able to directly open your Metamask wallet address and send funds to the wallet address connected to that Cardboard, but that’s not all, you will be also able to explore all of the assets on the wallet address from the Cardboard.

Explore Cardboard’s Portfolio

If you click on the top left “Portfolio” button, you will see a screen with all of the assets on that wallet address connected with the Cardboard.

This is extremely powerful feature on EGG’s Cardboard because it offers a tracking to popular Cardboards’ assets. You can easily track all of their newly added assets and you can copy their trades in order to improve your portfolio.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the power of our Cardboard, nothing is stopping you from creating your NFT Cardboard and share it with your friends and family on any of your favorite social media channels.

Let your friends or followers learn more about your NFT or assets portfolio by exploring it through your Cardboard and increase your followers for free.