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XCHNG Airdrop

XCHNG is the blockchain for digital advertising that leverages on this technology to ensure there’s efficiency and transparency. The platform is built by Kochava which is a worldwide leader in the digital advertising industry. The platform is determined to set some rails that will be useful to the entire advertising ecosystem.

From the official website there isn't a heading for 'Team' which can be misleading and off-putting for potential investors, but after further investigation, the full team can be found in the whitepaper. The whitepaper itself is very detailed, with over 40 pages of information. XCHNG has David Wild as their advisor who was the former vice chairman of NASDAQ.

We like the concept of this project but as there seems to be a lot of missing information. Total supply and allocation are also yet to be included.

The airdrop is also very bad. You only receive $0.1 for every referral and then it's also capped to 100 referrals. Last but not least KYC is also required. All in all we can't give more than 1 star.

Listed since early stage
