🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

VeChain Airdrop

VeChain, with its cryptocurrency VET, is a blockchain platform that focuses on financial services, supply chain management, and smart contracts. VET was the first cryptocurrency to create a disaster recovery plan and the first to partner with the Chinese government.
$87 750/  $87 750
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1.5

VeChain is airdropping 100,000,000 VTHO for Binance users holding VET. Participants must hold at least 1 VET in order to be eligible for the airdrop. The amount of VTHO that each VET holder will receive is in accordance with their percentage holding of the total VET balance held by all Binance users at the time of the snapshot, i.e; August 1st, 2018.

Listed since early stage
