🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Today we have another great and worthy airdrop for our airdrop hunters to claim thanks to Sologenic (ProBit) project where our airdrop hunters can earn up to 3.5 SOLO tokens with an estimated value of 1 USD for completing some easy social media tasks such as registering an account on ProBit exchange, verify your email address, login and submit your mobile number, similarily, complete tasks 3 &4 on the airdrop page and submit your details on their official airdrop form for further verification. You can also earn an additional 0.7 SOLO tokens with an estimated value of 0.2 USD for each of your referrals. To be eligible for the Sologenic (SOLO) airdrop reward you must complete all of their social media tasks and submit your details on their official airdrop form. Sologenic (SOLO) is a project that has their own blockchain and a total supply of 6,000 SOLO tokens.

Sologenic is a traditional financial market that offers crypto assets as well. You can tokenize and trade 40,000 assets on-demand including stocks, ETFs and commodities. They also offer a SOLO wallet which is a decentralized wallet for SOLO, XRP and Tokenized Assets, it is available for Windows, MAC, iOS and Android.

Listed since early stage
