🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Oodlebit (Round 3) Airdrop

OodleBit is a U.S based cryptocurrency exchange opening in early 2019 focussing on the total user experience, from the design of the platform down to the quality of customer support. Their advanced platform, fair fees, fast trades, and fantastic support will make Oodlebit a superior choice for your digital asset trad
$76 500/  $76 500
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1.7

OODL is a team made up of traders, investors, dreamers, and innovators that are building a trading platform and other blockchain mediums which will shape a better future for our society. The founder Nicholas Dooley can also be found on Telegram, be sure to ask him any questions you have!

Listed since early stage
