🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Liquid8 Airdrop

Liquid8 is a peer-to-peer multi-functional platform that will help bridge the gap between real-world assets and the emerging digital economy via the utilization of blockchain technology and smart contracts.

Liquid8’s mission is to promote financial inclusion for the general consumers and crypto community, empowering them with an equal chance to access financial services at the same level as institutional and high net worth consumers.

Having a look at their five year road map some of the features which they aim to create include Multi Asset Wallet, P2P Social Exchange, P2P Instant Exchange and a P2P Globalized Lending platform.

LQ8 have a rather detailed whitepaper, but if you do not want to read it all, a one pager is also available.

A quote which stuck out to us from the whitepaper ''We will not be selling dreams – we will be leveraging proven technologies that are readily available, such as Ethereum, Kyber Network, 0x Protocol, and similar technological protocols''.

Listed since early stage
