🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Invest & Hodl Airdrop

Invest & Hodl is focused on bullish the assets of own investors with monthly passive income. They are airdropping 10 iHODL tokens for registering on their website and for joining their social media accounts.
$115 274/  $115 274
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $10

Invest & Hodl is airdropping a total of 10 iHODL tokens with an estimated value of 10 USD for completing some easy social media tasks. You can also earn an additional 2 iHODL tokens with an estimated value of 2 USD for each of your referral, maximum of 5 referrals.

Invest & Hodl is a website that will help its investors of a possible inflationary losses and manipulations on some currencies and present them how they can take advantage of it. With their platform you can invest, hodl and earn,

Listed since early stage
