🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

GoDDEX Airdrop

GoDDEX is the first decentralised exchange for GoChain based ICO's, It's 100x faster than ethereum based decentralised exchanges.
$112 500/  $112 500
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.5

GoDDEX is the first decentralised exchange for GoChain based ERC standard tokens, GoChain is 100x faster than Ethereum which will enable GoDDEX exchange users to trade 100x faster than any decentralised exchange based on Ethereum. At the heart of every public blockchain lies a decentralised exchange that allows people trade the blockchain tokens freely and securely. A decentralised exchange is an essential part of the decentralised economy. Besides being an imperative part of the decentralised economy, GoDDEX has a strong business case as the expected value and volume of the GoChain based tokens opens up a new economic opportunity to run decentralised exchange on GoChain.

Listed since early stage
