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Enlte Airdrop

A decentralized blockchain based system to solve real-life problems without going through a procedure of a centralized government or an organization.
$140 400/  $140 400
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.4

Incredible rating of 4.8 from 21 experts on ICObench. This should say enough about the project.

The first 100 ENLTE (~$1.6) are really easy to claim and if you want 500 ENLTE more just download the Android app or wait until the Web and iOS app is available (apply here). Quite a lot of tokens compared to the total supply.

You should get further instructions how to claim your tokens via e-mail. We will also keep you updated. Because this is no ERC20 token, it's a own blockchain with it's own coins so you'll need a new wallet. As far as we've understood the tokens will be stored on the webwallet bind to the e-mail you've entered.

One of the admins in the official chat confirmed that the airdrop is legit.

Listed since early stage
