🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Color Airdrop

Color is a 3rd generation blockchain platform that focuses on developing dApps. The Color Platform runs on the "Color Engine" that enables non-technical users to easily develop Smart Contracts.
$140 400/  $140 400
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.4

Color is giving away 260 COL tokens and airdropping 6000 COL tokens to their community members. Visit their website and register, complete all the social tasks and submit your details to the airdrop form to receive free COL tokens. You can also win 6000 COL tokens in which 5 winners will be selected randomly every week till August 15. Also get 20 COL for every referral.

Listed since early stage
