🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Bitbond Airdrop

Bitbond is the first crypto-currency based lending platform for business loans that operates globally. The Bitbond Token (BB1) is Germany's first security token and makes business lending globally accessible. The target return is 8% (see calculator). This results from a fixed 4% p.a. interest coupon and a high 60% profit participation. Become part of the first German Security Token Offering (STO) and get BB1 tokens as rewards. We are allocating 2% of the total tokens raised in the STO to the Bounty program, therefore up to 2 Million Euros worth of BB1 tokens are up for grabs! Bitbond will distribute the awards among those who contribute to the Bounty program goals, therefore Bitbond will thoroughly review and assess the quality of your support. Happy Bounty hunting!
$50 000/  $50 000
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $1

Listed since early stage
