🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

Bincentive Airdrop

Bincentive is an open, decentralized platform which can provide investors with historical performance statistics for AI trading algorithms and any participating trading experts. Built on blockchain technology, all transactions are transparent and all data can be guaranteed to be unaltered. Based upon performance metrics, investors can choose a specific professional trading expert to mirror and their strategies will be applied directly to investor’s own trades.
$42 000/  $42 000
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $21.5

Register with your details and verify your mail and phone.
You will receive 500 BCNT tokens in your account within 24 hours.
From that 500 BCNT, You Complete strategy subscription and receive another 200 BCNT.
You can earn an additional 100 BCNT for evrey referral. If you referral completes strategy subscription, then you will get extra 300 BCNT tokens.
Complete social tasks from this Airdrop form and earn more 160 BCNT: https://bincentive.typeform.com/to/vzZVM1

Listed since early stage
