🥚 EGG is now on Polygon at ≈0% Fees. 🥚

AI Crypto Airdrop

AICrypto is developing an AI ecosystem based on the blockchain. Our primary goal is to make AI researches easier and cheaper to conduct. We expect AI researchers and data providers to be more connected on a global basis with our platform, resulting in a huge AI revolution.
$146 250/  $146 250
Airdrop finished
Estimated Value : $2.5

AI Crypto is distributing 2,900 AIC tokens to the participants of this Airdrop. You can also earn additional AIC tokens from each successful, it can vary from 50 - 13,000 tokens. AI Crypto consists of a team of 18 members including the advisory board, all with extensive experience in their respective fields and within the blockchain industry. The whitepaper looks good. We are still awaiting an estimated USD value from the team, we will update this topic when we know of any further information.

Listed since early stage
